Saturday, December 26, 2009


phew! legaaaaaa sgt da dpt rslt..hihi
alhmdllah,rslt yg mmbanggakan...
mule2 nk cek tu mmg neves abes laa...
tmbh2 tuk biotech..huhu..tme exam sy kuar awl..huhu..bajet pwr la kot :P
kuar awl sbnrnye da tatau nk tls pe,pe lg..blah laa...hihi..
1st tgk,biotech!! A!! cam xcaye...but for surely im soo hppy with that..
Alhmdllah sy brjaye melalui xam terakhir di UPSI..
kwn2 pn reslt hebat2!! :-*

ps:/ guys!! congrtaes to u all..and cngrtae to us!! hppy to hear that all of us succeed!! mmmwaahh!!